Rabu, 17 Desember 2014

UNI: Device That Converts Sign Language To Text $1,278 Shy Of Meeting Crowdfunding Target

UNI detecting sign language

Motion Savvy, the company that introduced perhaps the most innovative product of 2014 in the assistive technology realm, UNI, has managed to raise almost all of the funds required to mass produce it and deliver it to 370 million deaf people around the world. The crowdfunding campaign ends in 3 days on the 20th, and the company is still $1,300 short of the set target.

If you think this product will be a great asset for deaf people, and want to show your support in any form, head over to their indiegogo page or share this information with someone who might be interested in this device.

Watch the following video to see how a deaf woman plans to use UNI in the future. Read below for more information on UNI as well.

From Motion Savvy:

The pre-sale campaign for UNI, the world�s most innovative communication device for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, will be ending in three days on December 20th, 2014 and is currently just $2,300 $1,738 shy of hitting the crowdfunding goal.

Time has named MotionSavvy�s first product, UNI, as one of 2014�s best inventions due to the device�s first of its kind technology that utilizes motion gesture recognition to translate sign language to audio and spoken word to text in real time.

Since the launch of UNI�s crowdfunding campaign in October, the product has gained global recognition due to its mission to shed light on the degrading and uncomfortable situations the Deaf community faces when it comes to communicating with the rest of the world. With UNI, the 370 million Deaf people and 3.7 billion others that engage with them every day no longer have to type messages on smartphones, scribble on pieces of paper, or make over-dramatic gestures.

Although the immense positive reaction has proven that there is a high demand for this next level of communication technology, it is apparent from the feedback of the Deaf community that even at the low campaign price of $189, people are unable to afford the product alone. In it�s mission to empower the Deaf community, the MotionSavvy team is inviting the rest of the world to help its cause. With contribution options ranging from $399 to $10,000, people will be able to donate UNIs to individuals, families, schools, or organizations while limited supplies last.

UNI is comprised of three parts: a tablet, a smart case, and a mobile app. The device works without an Internet connection to help the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communicate anywhere at anytime. Here�s what UNI does:
  • Translates sign language into audible speech for hearing individuals using motion gesture recognition technology.
  • Converts spoken word to written text for Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals using voice recognition technology.
  • Recognizes different ways of signing so that users can train their device to recognize their styles.
  • Gets smarter with every use through SignBuilder to allow people to crowdsource signs so that UNI can provide the most accurate translations.
�An overwhelming amount of people from the Deaf community have reached out to us about how they need UNI, but we�re finding that the same people are having trouble affording one.� said Ryan Hait-Campbell, CEO and co-founder of MotionSavvy. �We�re so thankful for the support we�ve received so far, but it�s clear that this communication barrier is real and we need help from the rest of the world to give UNI to those in need�

MotionSavvy�s crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo will be ending in three days and is on its way to reach its crowdfunding goal of $40,000 to understand market fit and begin manufacturing. UNI is expected to ship in the Fall of 2015. To learn more or for those who want to help MotionSavvy�s mission, visit: www.motionsavvy.com


Author & Editor

Seorang Mahasiswa di salah satu perguruan tinggi di kota yogyakarta, Menukuni dunia programming sejak kelas 1 SMA sampai sekarang, Kemampuan Programming VB.Net dan php .

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