Senin, 19 September 2011

Enhanced Accessibility For Blind Google Users

One thing remarkable about Google is that it is constantly doing its best to make its products more and more accessible. Recently, Google added some more accessibility features and new keyboard shortcuts to make use of Docs, Sites, and Calendar easier for users with visual impairment.

Accessibility in Google Docs and Sites

If you are a Google Docs user, you will hear feedback when you format text, insert tables/labels/comments, upload/download a file etc. In Spreadsheets, you will hear cell location, contents, and comments when you move between cells. You will also hear feedback outside the main content area (menu bar, dialog box, chat pane etc.).

In sites, you will hear feedback when you navigate through your site, add/edit pages, and navigate through menus and dialog boxes.

To read more about the enhanced features in Docs and Sites, click here.

Keyboard shortcuts for Google documents.

Keyboard shortcuts for spreadsheets.

Keyboard shortcuts for documents list.

Keyboard shortcuts for Sites.

Improved Accessibility in Google Calendars

Accessibility has been enhanced for calendar lists, agenda view, and guest lists, as well as new shortcuts have been added to make Google Calendars easier to use. To read about these enhanced accessibility features, click here.

To read more about accessibility provided by Google, go to their accessibility page.

Adding accessibility features to its products is an ongoing process at Google. I will keep you updated about more accessible features as and when they are announced.

Source: Google Docs Blog


Author & Editor

Seorang Mahasiswa di salah satu perguruan tinggi di kota yogyakarta, Menukuni dunia programming sejak kelas 1 SMA sampai sekarang, Kemampuan Programming VB.Net dan php .

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